Thursday, April 3, 2008

440 Login Timeout

When you try to log on to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 by using Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access, you receive the following error message: 440 Login Timeout.

This is an IIS authentication issue. To repair it, do the following from the exchange management shell:

Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory "exchange (default web site)"
Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory "public (default web site)"
Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory "exchweb (default web site)"
Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory "owa (default web site)"

To re-create the Outlook Web virtual directories, type the following commands

New-OwaVirtualDirectory "exchange" -OwaVersion Exchange2003or2000 -VirtualDirectoryType Mailboxes -WebSiteName "Default Web Site"

New-OwaVirtualDirectory "public" -OwaVersion Exchange2003or2000 -VirtualDirectoryType PublicFolders -WebSiteName "Default Web Site"

New-OwaVirtualDirectory "exchweb" -OwaVersion Exchange2003or2000 -VirtualDirectoryType Exchweb -WebSiteName "Default Web Site"

New-OwaVirtualDirectory -name "owa" -OwaVersion Exchange2007 -WebSiteName "Default Web Site"

Test OWA.

It is also possible to remove and re-install the CAS role from the control panel.